

Title of the symposium:

Good anthropocene practices in contributing landscape ecology. Discourses and perspectives on governance process towards resilience and adaptation of complex systems



Detail of organizer(s):




Name: Angela
Surname: Colucci
Organisation/Affiliation: SIEP-IALE / REsilienceLAB
Telephone: +393381057288
Country: Italy
Address: Via dei mille 136, 27100 Pavia








Name: Emma
Surname: Puerari
Organisation/Affiliation: TU Delft / Dutch Research Institute for Transitions
Address: Building 32. Room no. C 3 210 Landbergstraat 15, 2628 Delft
Country: The Netherlands





Name: Luca Sára
Surname: Bródy
Organisation/Affiliation: Gran Sasso Science Institute (GSSI)
Address: Viale Francesco Crispi 7 (GSSI), 67100 L’Aquila
Country: Italy




Symposium abstract

The symposium aims to open a debate on the contribution of grassroots initiatives and transition initiatives, here named “good anthropocene practices” to the complex systems sustainability, resilience and ecological functionality enhancement. Since last decades academic and disciplinary debates and researches (societal transition models are examples) have increasingly paid attention to good anthropocene practices as spontaneous intervention and grassroots innovations and to their growth, pervasiveness (both in relation to geographical diffusion and issues of interest and action) and spread (it becomes a relevant worldwide phenomenon).
Under the “good anthropocene practices” it is possible to include a large range of local based process led by citizens groups (NGOs) but also by private sectors and experts and acting on different set of issues from social innovation to sustainable local behaviour and social inclusion that could be addressed towards the sustainability goals. A large range of good anthropocene practices is acting on the landscape and ecological services improvement (Observatory of Resilience Practices, 2018).
A specific focus of symposium debate is the investigation of governance process and in which terms the good anthropocene practices can contribute in reaching long terms and regional/global issues (e.g. the 17 UN sustainable goals, the UN-habitat new urban agenda goals…).
At the same time, the governance of decision making process and implementation process emerges as one of main critical obstacle in implementation of both institutional-led and community-led initiatives addressed to nature based solution polices implementation. The renovation of the governance process has to embrace cross system interactions and multi-scales phenomena and dynamics (temporal/spatial) of complex systems (Ostrom 1990, 2005). The renovation of governance towards adaptive and more collaborative model is a common challenge for urban policies in order to integrate emerging phenomena of community-led and transition initiatives and climate change/environmental policies in the process of complex systems transformation (Colucci A. 2018).
During the symposium will be presented main outcomes (and critical aspects for the debate) from the research projects involved focusing on the “good anthropocene practices” networking and improvement (Observatory of Resilience Practices, DRIFT research projects).
During the symposium the main questions that will be addressed and discussed are:
•          relevance of “ecological issues” in the good anthropocene practices and the contribution to ecological functionality improvement of complex system deriving from good anthropocene practices;
•          perspectives and tools in order to orient the good anthropocene practices towards a more robust and effective positive impact on the landscape improvement and ecosystem services/green infrastructures improvement (capacity building, boosting the integration and mutual synergies among academic/scientific and operative knowledge…);
•          perspectives for adaptive governance model implementation integrating good anthropocene practices in long term polices related to sustainability, climate issues and nature based solution polices;
•          perspectives and tools for stabilization and up-scaling (locally and in a global scale) of good anthropocene practices.

Colucci, A. (2018), The Transition Approach in Urban Innovations: Local Responses to Climate Change. Galderisi, A., & Colucci, A. (2018). Smart, Resilient and Transition Cities: Emerging Approaches and Tools for A Climate-Sensitive Urban Development. Elsevier. Ostrom, E. (1990). Governing the Commons: The Evolution of Institutions for Collective Action. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Ostrom, E. (2005). Understanding institutional diversity. Princeton: Princeton University Press.



How your symposia will improve landscape ecology science?

The symposium involve researchers from different disciplinary fields and research projects focussing on the grassroots practices and transition initiatives: Observatory of Resilience practices (Italy –; ARTS (Accelerating and Rescaling Transitions to Sustainability – the Netherlands – and Participatory city making project (TUdelf/DRIFT project  – the Netherlands ); Community-Led Initiatives in Barcelona.
The main contributions are underlined in the questions proposed for the call for external contributions:
•          Understand the contributions from the good anthropocene practices in implementing interventions for the landscape and ecosystem functionality improvement (a high percentage of practices are acting on the “ecological” aspects improvement: the question addressed is to understand the impact and the approach of practices to landscape ecology)
•          Understand and share possible tools in order to improve the “design” quality of interventions and actions. This aspect is strictly related to the issue of knowledge co-production in a perspective of mutual synergies between academic and research sphere and the practices / institutional actors /players.
•          The issue related to the adaptive governance model implementation is directly related to the landscape ecology science in terms of “implementation and transfer” of scientific knowledge to the operative and practices implementation.
•          The economical issues, partially related also to governance aspect, could provide a strong framework in identifying / highlighting strategic asset for both institutional led and community-led practices implementation and stabilisation.



Broad thematic areas


Broad thematic areas 1st choice: Landscape governance


Broad thematic areas 2nd choice: Socio-economic-ecological systems



Free Keywords

good anthropocene practices, resilience, governance, transition management