The Organizing Committee for the IALE2019 World Congress understands that large events, such as the IALE2019 World Congress, can impact negatively on the environment, the local community and the economy. We are therefore committed to reducing any negative social, economic and environmental impacts of the IALE2019 World Congress and to seeking ways to make a positive difference.
Our aim is for sustainability to be embedded into the planning, management and operation of the World Congress, making the Congress as sustainable as possible. Ultimately our aim is to inspire future IALE events to improve sustainability.
Several objectives have been identified as having significant potential to limit the impact of the World Congress. These objectives aim to impact positively by, where possible, reducing carbon from travel, food miles and energy usage; reducing waste, including paper, packaging and food waste; using water sustainably; and enhancing biodiversity.
We will also ensure that the Congress is inclusive and provides opportunity for anyone interested in Landscape Ecology to be involved.
We hope to inspire the behavior of all stakeholders, including their members, employees and volunteers to ensure all their activities, beyond the scope of the Congress, are sustainable. This includes working with suppliers to ensure they reduce their impact as much as possible. We encourage feedback from stakeholders and suppliers to continually develop our ways of working and to improve the sustainability of the Congress.