

Title of the symposium:

Planning and design for sustainable and healthy cities: mainstreaming urban ecological measures beyond demonstration projects



Detail of organizer(s):




Name: Ina
Surname: Saumel
Organisation/Affiliation: TU Berlin
Telephone: +49 (0)30 314 – 71373
Country: GERMANY
Address: Technische Universität Berlin Institut für Ökologie  ACK6 10323 Berlin








Surname: LARCHER
Organisation/Affiliation: University of Turin, Dept. Agricultural, forest and food sciences
Address: Largo Braccini 2 – 1005 GRUGLIASCO (TO)
Country: ITALY




Symposium abstract

Fostering adaptation to warming and increased urban pollution is a worldwide challenge of planning and design in order to reduce critical health impacts and to enhance social inclusion for city dwellers. Current urban infrastructure and management practice remains at stalemate of the past century using expansively today’s limited resources and resists to changes. There is growing awareness of the critical need for strategic investments in long-term solutions for a sustainable and adaptive urban resource management, but institutional inertia in urban infrastructure systems is high and practice of sustainable urban resource management is limited to few demonstration projects. Beyond classical components of the urban blue green infrastructure, we focus on innovative urban ecological measures such as rainwater management measures (e.g. swales, rain gardens, ponds, green roofs, green façades) or urban productive green elements (e.g. garden, rooftop farming) and their provision of health relevant ecosystem services. The main goal of the session is 1) to review the state of the art of urban ecological measures and their associated ecosystem services and to analyse knowledge gaps and 2) to open the discussion on strategies for the planning of sustainable and healthy cities with an efficient network of urban multifunctional infrastructures.
The Symposium will be organized in the framework of two H2020 ‘Societal challenges’ projects started in 2018 and will involve the partnership.



How your symposia will improve landscape ecology science?

The symposium will focus on urban landscapes discussing methods and results of an expected wide range of scientific experiences around the World.
The approach is interdisciplinar and the topic of health and well-being, related to ecosystem services provisioning, seems to be one of the main challenge for our future landscape ecological research in the Anthropocene period.
The idea is also to move from theory to practice, collecting concrete experiences.



Broad thematic areas


Broad thematic areas 1st choice: Urban regions (urban landscapes, urbanization processes, urban metabolism, rural urban systems)


Broad thematic areas 2nd choice: Landscape planning



Free Keywords

Nature-based solutions, Green infrastructures, Well-being, Landscape architecture, Enrvironmental horticulture


Outcomes of symposium

Special issue in a scientific journal (to be negotiated)